Thursdays Qi Gong with Chi Dynamics

Registrations are closed

Chi Dynamics Qi Gong set of exercises cover both stillness and active movement exercises. Started by Grand Master Anthony Wee, his intensive training system will enhance holistic healing for the body and mind. 

In these 3 months, you will learn the fundamentals of Qi Gong. 

  • Diaphragmatic breathing, their respective function
  • Energy, the 12 main meridians of the body and others
  • Yi (Will, Intend). How to use your Yi?
  • How internal & external energy and environment influence our health?


  • “No Show Fee” of $10 applies if SPGG Members do not fulfill 80% of attendance (10/13 sessions).
  • Attire: white top (compulsory) and bottom (encouraged), as white symbolises healing.
  • Indemnity form required by SPGG and Chi Dynamics.
  • In the event of wet weather, classes will be cancelled with one hour notice.